Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It allows you to have multiple terminal windows in a single terminal.

List down all active tmux sessions

Outside tmux

tmux list-sessions tmux ls

Inside tmux

:ls (when inside another session)

To invoke tmux command inside tmux session


Start a new session

Inside tmux


Outside tmux

tmux new -s <session-name>

Detaching a tmux session

:detach OR <Ctrl>+a d

Kill a tmux session


Attach to a tmux session

tmux a -t mysession

Create a window in the session

<Ctrl>+a c

List windows in the current session

<Ctrl>+a w

Rename current window

<Ctrl>+a ,

Move across windows in Tmux

Move left

<Ctrl>+a h

Move right

<Ctrl>+a l

Move up

<Ctrl>+a k

Move down

<Ctrl>+a j

Maximize current window

<Ctrl>+a m

Splitting window in half


<Ctrl>+a |


<Ctrl>+a -

My local configuration in .zshrc

I have configured my zsh to open a project in a tmux session, with neovim as the editor and zsh as the shell below the editor window.

nvop () {
    if [[ "$WORK_DIR" == "" ]]
        echo "No work directory"
    echo "Work directory: $WORK_DIR"

    if [[ "$SESSION" == "" ]]
    echo "Session name: $SESSION"

    tmux kill-session -t $SESSION 
    tmux new-session -s $SESSION -d 
    tmux send-keys -t $SESSION:0.0 "cd $WORK_DIR && nv ." ENTER
    tmux split-window -v
    tmux resize-pane -t $SESSION:0.1 -D 10
    tmux send-keys -t $SESSION:0.1 "cd $WORK_DIR && clear" ENTER
    tmux -2 attach-session -d -t $SESSION:0.0 

Here is a more comprehensive cheat-sheet for tmux commands: